Troops2Logistics - Uptime Logistics

Troops 2 Logistics is a 501c3 organization that helps guide our nation’s veterans into post-service opportunities within the logistics industry.  Their mission is to eradicate the transition barriers for veterans seeking a logistics career.

President and co-founder Scot Snyder joins Doug today to discuss the non-profit and the important opportunities they help provide the men and women that have served our country. Supply chain and transporation positions are available for job seekers, and the process of education and mentorship can go along way in helping a job candidate in finding a good fit and help make the most of the skills developed throughout their military service.

To futher describe the role of the mentor, Doug and Scot are joined by Robin Grubb. Robin is the Category Manager for Transportation & Fleet at the American Red Cross. As a daughter and wife of servicemen, she has experience with seeing the transition process from serving in our nation’s military to joining the workforce. As leaders within logistics that also understand service, Scot, Robin, and their entire team are able to offer great advice ranging from resume and job application advice, to netwokring and personal brand development.

After watching and listening to the show, please visit their website whether you’re a job applicant, a mentor, or a patron that can contribute to the mission of this great cause!